Shop – T. R. Maxus About T. R. Maxus Sun, 08 Aug 2021 23:41:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aenamus: Silent Blood: Book I (Volume 1) Fri, 18 Jun 2021 03:49:11 +0000 Aenamus: Silent Blood, Book I, centers on a dedicated group of U.S. citizens known as The Aenamaia. The group’s leader, Gray, has spent the last decade carefully assembling his team and quietly preparing to take action against some of the worst high-profile offenders. Each member shares a similar conviction about the apathetic and corrupt state of the world. Their incredulity and frustration regarding the rampant injustices of the parasitic, corrupt public figures whose transgressions fuel so many of society’s problems has driven them to take bold and unprecedented action. Their objective: to eliminate the worst, most toxic people in society. The Aenamaia act as self-appointed judges, jurors and executioners – doing what the law can’t or won’t and what society refuses to demand. The men and women responsible for carrying out the liquidations, known within The Aenamaia as Augurs, set about eliminating their targets as quickly and quietly as possible. No torture. No retribution. No ransom or demands. Just take out the garbage and don’t get caught – or killed. Unbeknownst to The Aenamaia, another group is also on the hunt, but with a far more nefarious, vicious and bloody mission. Their objective is to extract information by any means necessary, then brutally – and sometimes theatrically – eliminate the source. But why? What is their agenda? What do the victims have in common? Enter Department of Homeland Security Agent Roger Tarte. Years of paper shuffling and government bureaucracy have left him bored, anxious and hungry for a meaningful and worthwhile challenge. When a chance encounter with the head of the FBI’s Counter Terrorism Division lands him on the trail of the perpetrators, Tarte leaps at the opportunity – never considering where he might land. Before he knows it, Agent Tarte is negotiating for two high-profile hostages, handling dangerous explosives, and tracking a rogue military cargo plane headed for the Middle East – all the while trying to capture The Aenamaia. With each step he takes, Tarte becomes more and more unsure of what is really going on and who he can trust. One thing is certain, though, it will take all of Tarte’s skills and wit just to keep up…and stay alive. Aenamus is an edgy, provocative story about good people crossing a line that has never been crossed. Enigmatic and intriguing characters engage and challenge readers, while daring them to redefine what is right and wrong – and where they stand. Cleverly laced with action, philosophy, wit and sarcasm, Aenamus takes the reader on a stimulating emotional ride through a volatile moral landscape – all the while questioning the very essence of our humanity.And Book I is only the beginning…”A gripping story of bloody vengeance that is at times almost unbearably tense, Aenamus asks the fundamental question: how far would any one of us go to rid the world of evil? This is not just your ordinary action-packed adventure – it is an incredibly intelligent and timely novel that takes on the decay and corruption of the power elite. It’s a compelling, thought-provoking thriller told at a breathtaking pace. ” ~ Nancy Hitchins, Denver




Aenamus: Executive Reckoning: Book II (Volume 2) Fri, 18 Jun 2021 02:49:02 +0000 For The Aenamaia, all hell has broken loose. The leader of the Aenamaia and the captured Russian sniper have gone missing. A former U.S. President is about to go on trial for war crimes while several key politicians linked to his administration are turning up tortured and killed. And Department of Homeland Security Agent Roger Tarte is on the verge of blowing the whole thing wide open…or so he thinks. Little does he know, he may have just unknowingly entered the eye of the storm.Book II picks up where Book I left off…with the Aenamaia in upheaval and the sudden disappearance of their leader, Gray.Book II is the exciting finale to the Aenamus series. Or is it…?




Flight of the Dinks: The Evasion Persuasion Wed, 16 Jun 2021 23:01:01 +0000 Love was never their problem. After ten years together, Devin and Bella’s marriage is limping down the road on one battered cylinder. They need a break. Why not separate to opposite sides of the world to think things over? The extremeness appeals to Bella. Not so much for Devin. Unable to dissuade her, Devin reluctantly acquiesces. They’ll put their life on hold and split to opposite ends of the earth. After a time, hearts will grow fonder, all of their problems will vanish, and they’ll sail off into a perfect sunset, right? What could possibly go wrong?Enter Girolamo “George” Bassi and his enigmatic Scottish cohort Connor MacGregor. For more than five years now, the two eccentric old men have been entangled in an adventure that began in Nazi Germany in 1936 with a devastated widow’s bold and dangerous decision. But after years of research, they’ve hit a dead end. That is, until George encounters Bella Descartes on the long flight to New Zealand. George quickly sees Bella is a young, intelligent, kindred spirit who could bring new life to their stalled quest. George’s tale of the mysterious widow ensnares Bella. Feeling confused, uncertain and lost, she eagerly offers to help.As Devin’s plane prepares to lift off, his thoughts are interrupted by the attractive woman sitting next to him. Claire Du Châtelet introduces herself and begins a casual dialogue. She’s friendly, intelligent, witty and easy to talk to. Cruising at 30,000 feet, Devin relays his sad story of marital woes in hopes of gaining some insight into the enigmatic female psyche. Intrigued by the strange antipodal separation, Claire is eager to learn what he intends to do. Will he stick to the unorthodox plan and lay low in Spain, or does he already have something else in mind?



